Mission And Who Helped

This project grew out of the need for Uver to express himself through his imagination. His designs are complex and have a story behind them all. We ,his family, wanted him to have an outlet and feel that his thoughts had purpose in this world. This project also gave him the sense of independence, which is very important to him. Many think that because Uver has Autism he may not feel the need to be his own person but Uver is very aware of himself and what he wants. This is also a way for us to share a little bit of him with the world and to show that every person with autism is unique. We want to make sure that everyone that comes across his work is aware that he is capable of anything he puts his mind to with a little bit of help from us. We support him in this journey and we hope you do too. 

Expressing gratitude to those who helped make this possible. They have supported me through my process to show the world my imagination as an individual with autism. 
  • My Mom: Mary Mejia 
  • My Sister: Breese Maldonado
  •  And all of YOU!